Svenska arkeologer har hittat fynd som tyder på att våra förfäder var kannibaler. Nu har deras tyska kollegor gjort liknande fynd, hittat rester efter 500 slaktade personer. Detta medan högkulturer växte fram längs Nilen, Eufrat, Indus och Gula Floden.
Researchers found the carefully scraped remains of some 500 humans, and they haven't even excavated half the site. "We expect the number of dead to be twice as high," said Andrea Zeeb-Lanz, project leader of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. That's a lot of corpses for a tiny Stone Age village. There were 10 buildings at most here in the last phase of the Linear Pottery culture of the European Neolithic Age around 5,000 to 4,950 years BC.
The corpses weren't native to this area, researchers have discovered. They came from all over Europe. All of them -- babies, children, adults -- were butchered by expert hands while the bones were still fresh, as the breaks and cuts show.
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