David Runciman har intervjuat Clinton av och till under tio år. Nu kommer resultatet. Låter intressant: ..."the result is a fascinating and not necessarily flattering image of an occasionally weird man who loves politics, hard data and his family, in roughly that order. He can switch effortlessly from number-crunching to empathetic mode and back again. He loves hearing people's life stories, and is just as happy speculating about their deeper emotions as he is analysing their demographic profile. He wants to know what makes you tick, whoever you are and wherever you come from. Why does Boris Yeltsin drink so much? During one memorable visit to the White House, Yeltsin ends up in his underpants on Pennsylvania Avenue trying to hail a cab to find him a pizza. Clinton contemplates calling Mrs Yeltsin in for a heart to heart, and maybe even staging an intervention. You get the feeling there is nothing he would enjoy more than trawling through Yeltsin's childhood, looking for clues, and spinning yarns about the drunks he knew back in Arkansas, including his own stepfather. Among world leaders, only Jiang Zemin remains entirely immune to his charm, and this nags away at Clinton far more than the intractable business of US-Chinese trade relations .. Här finns hela artikeln.
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