
Assange gillrade sin egen fälla

His vanity, his hubris and his insatiable desire to see the world burn have led him to make a fatal, final error. As a result, the Wikileaks project is doomed. At the end of last month, Assange indicated that he had information about a major US bank that would cause a scandal to rival Enron. That was a catastrophic misjudgment. Because now, one by one, every financial institution connected to Assange is severing his ability to finance Wikileaks. Här finns artikeln. Och här en artikel skriven av Assange själv, publicerad idag i The Australian. Assange är australiensare. Åklagarmyndigheten i Göteborg har på sin hemsida lagt ut information om vad som gäller för utlämnande till annat land.

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