Vaknade med BBC Worldservice´s program om vikingar. Av det förstod jag att vi i skolan serverats en utspädd, tvättad version. Här följder den klassiska arabiska text från 900-talet som skildrar begravningen av en hövding: inget för veklingar.
They seated him on the mattress and propped him up with cushions. They brought intoxicating drink, fruits, and fragrant plants, which they put with him, then bread, meat, and onions, which they placed before him. Then they brought a dog, which they cut in two and put in the ship. Then they brought his weapons and placed them by his side.
Then they took two horses, ran them until they sweated, then cut them to pieces with a sword and put them in the ship. Next they killed a rooster and a hen and threw them in. The girl slave who wished to be killed went here and there and into each of their tents, and the master of each tent had sexual intercourse with her and said, "Tell your lord I have done this out of love for him." ... They stupify themselves by drinking beer night and day; sometimes one of them dies cup in hand.
Här finns hela texten.
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