Palme om 21 augusti 1968
- Ännu en gång har det inträffat att i ett kommunistiskt land, en frihetsrörelse stoppats med våld. Det angriparen fruktar är kanske inte endast det tjeckiska
folkets självbestämmanderätt, det är också det polska, det östtyska, det bulgariska och måhända framför allt det ryska folkets längtan efter frihet och självbestämmande. Folkens längtan efter frihet kan icke nedslås med våld. Den kommer att leva och den kommer till sist att segra.
21 augusti 1968
Tiden går. Det är 40 år sedan Ryssland invaderade Tjeckoslovakien. Ryssarna var specialister på att låta sig "inbjudas" - av resp lands kommunistparti - till att ockupera sina grannländer. Det började redan på 1920-talet med Mongoliet, fortsatte på 1930-talet med länderna i Baltikum innan det på 1940-talet blev Finland och Ungern 1956, 1968 Tjeckoslovakien och 1979 Afghanistan.
1969 var jag i Prag. Bodde hemma hos en tjeckisk familj som bodde vid ett torg där ryska soldater slagit läger. Kvällstid drog alla som bodde runt torget ner gardinerna och släckte ljuset i de rum som vette mot soldaterna. Dagtid undvek man dom. Ingen tilltalade dom. Charta 77, den tjeckiska oppositionsrörelsen, var en ständig källa till inpiration. Allt spännande fanns hos dom. De förebådade den polska rörelsen Solidaritet.
Den anti-nazistiske Taube
Julen 1944 svarade Taube på en enkät i SvD om vad som gjort starkast intryck på honom under kriget? Så här löd hans svar:
1. Hitlers massmord på de försvarslösa judarna, som feghetens, råhetens, omänsklighetens triumf.
2. Hitlers maskopi med Ryssland i finska vinterkriget som exempel på tysk nordiskhet
3. Den fortsättning jag förutsåg: Hitlertysklands intåg i Danmark och Norge och - positivt - danskarnas och norrmännens strålande bevis på mod, idealitet och tapperhet som ställer dom i paritet med greker och finnar och lärt oss att hava dom och inte de avskyvärda hitlertyskarna till förebilder om vi inte själva vill bli ett avskum bland jordens folk.
Den storsvenske Taube
1940 skrev Taube en marsch till Finlands frivilliga:
"Vräk barbaren ut ur Norden, där i bloddränkt snö han står. Här är Finlands plats på jorden! framåt djärva frihetskår. Fram där fältkanoner dundra, framåt mot en härlig syn. Finska hjältar, en mot hundra, slåss i skogarna och skyn. Upp kamrater att värna vårt gamla broderland. Finska bröder vi komma med Sveriges stål i hand. Det det slår, skrivet står. Finlands sak är vår".
1944 hoppades Taube att Sverige och Finland skulle återförenas "genom Ers Excellens dåd". Excellensen var Mannerheim.
10 urgamla vitsar
1. Something which has never occurred since time immemorial: a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap (1900 BC – 1600 BC Sumerian Proverb Collection 1.12-1.13)
2. How do you entertain a bored pharaoh? You sail a boatload of young women dressed only in fishing nets down the Nile and urge the pharaoh to go catch a fish (An abridged version first found in 1600 BC on the Westcar Papryus)
3. Three ox drivers from Adab were thirsty: one owned the ox, the other owned the cow and the other owned the wagon's load. The owner of the ox refused to get water because he feared his ox would be eaten by a lion; the owner of the cow refused because he thought his cow might wander off into the desert; the owner of the wagon refused because he feared his load would be stolen. So they all went. In their absence the ox made love to the cow which gave birth to a calf which ate the wagon's load. Problem: Who owns the calf?! (1200 BC)
4. A woman who was blind in one eye has been married to a man for 20 years. When he found another woman he said to her, "I shall divorce you because you are said to be blind in one eye." And she answered him: "Have you just discovered that after 20 years of marriage!?" (Egyptian circa 1100 BC)
5. Odysseus tells the Cyclops that his real name is nobody. When Odysseus instructs his men to attack the Cyclops, the Cyclops shouts: "Help, nobody is attacking me!" No one comes to help. (Homer. The Odyssey 800 BC)
6. Question: What animal walks on four feet in the morning, two at noon and three at evening? Answer: Man. He goes on all fours as a baby, on two feet as a man and uses a cane in old age (Appears in Oedipus Tyrannus and first performed in 429 BC)
7. Man is even more eager to copulate than a donkey - his purse is what restrains him (Egyptian, Ptolemaic Period 304 BC – 30 BC)
8. Augustus was touring his Empire and noticed a man in the crowd who bore a striking resemblance to himself. Intrigued he asked: "Was your mother at one time in service at the Palace?" "No your Highness," he replied, "but my father was." (Credited to the Emporer Augustus 63 BC – 29 AD)
9. Wishing to teach his donkey not to eat, a pedant did not offer him any food. When the donkey died of hunger, he said "I've had a great loss. Just when he had learned not to eat, he died." (Dated to the Philogelos 4th /5th Century AD)
10. Asked by the court barber how he wanted his hair cut, the king replied: "In silence." (Collected in the Philogelos or "Laughter-Lover" the oldest extant jest book and compiled in the 4th/5th Century AD)
2. How do you entertain a bored pharaoh? You sail a boatload of young women dressed only in fishing nets down the Nile and urge the pharaoh to go catch a fish (An abridged version first found in 1600 BC on the Westcar Papryus)
3. Three ox drivers from Adab were thirsty: one owned the ox, the other owned the cow and the other owned the wagon's load. The owner of the ox refused to get water because he feared his ox would be eaten by a lion; the owner of the cow refused because he thought his cow might wander off into the desert; the owner of the wagon refused because he feared his load would be stolen. So they all went. In their absence the ox made love to the cow which gave birth to a calf which ate the wagon's load. Problem: Who owns the calf?! (1200 BC)
4. A woman who was blind in one eye has been married to a man for 20 years. When he found another woman he said to her, "I shall divorce you because you are said to be blind in one eye." And she answered him: "Have you just discovered that after 20 years of marriage!?" (Egyptian circa 1100 BC)
5. Odysseus tells the Cyclops that his real name is nobody. When Odysseus instructs his men to attack the Cyclops, the Cyclops shouts: "Help, nobody is attacking me!" No one comes to help. (Homer. The Odyssey 800 BC)
6. Question: What animal walks on four feet in the morning, two at noon and three at evening? Answer: Man. He goes on all fours as a baby, on two feet as a man and uses a cane in old age (Appears in Oedipus Tyrannus and first performed in 429 BC)
7. Man is even more eager to copulate than a donkey - his purse is what restrains him (Egyptian, Ptolemaic Period 304 BC – 30 BC)
8. Augustus was touring his Empire and noticed a man in the crowd who bore a striking resemblance to himself. Intrigued he asked: "Was your mother at one time in service at the Palace?" "No your Highness," he replied, "but my father was." (Credited to the Emporer Augustus 63 BC – 29 AD)
9. Wishing to teach his donkey not to eat, a pedant did not offer him any food. When the donkey died of hunger, he said "I've had a great loss. Just when he had learned not to eat, he died." (Dated to the Philogelos 4th /5th Century AD)
10. Asked by the court barber how he wanted his hair cut, the king replied: "In silence." (Collected in the Philogelos or "Laughter-Lover" the oldest extant jest book and compiled in the 4th/5th Century AD)
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